This being known, it may come as a shock that on my third day in Mendoza I willingly and eagerly paid money for a guided horse tour. And it was totally awesome. We took a bus, then a van up through the Andes to a small stable in a small town. A cute little gaucho man designated horses for us, and we took a three hour horse ride through the mountains. LE-GIT.
Having ridden a horse only once before, I found the first thirty minutes absolutely terrifying -- I freaked out when the horse moved its head after I first got on, I freaked out when the horse started walking into another horse, I FREAKED out when the horse started trotting down a steep incline. The gaucho guide kept saying "no fear, no fear" which I initially believed were kind words to calm me but realized was a strained warning not to spook the horse with my nervous yelps. A ways in, I grew used to the ride and was able to keep my composure up and down hills (though I was not going to risk taking a hand off the reins to take any photos, so the ones I have are from before/after/other people's cameras).
My horse's name was Spanka (no joke); Becky's was Tranka, and Debbie's was Jappa. Garrett had the least-funnily named horse with Gaucho (which seemed to fit since he was the only one able to ride -- he actually got scolded a few times for galloping when the going speed was mine aka a concerted effort to move forward at all aka I was more cool with this than I should have been, plodding meant safe). The route was scenic to the point of ridiculousness. No but really look at this:

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