I'm safe, I'm healthy, I'm living in a house with 30 people (no joke // only four to my room though). I haven't had the steak yet but I've had ice cream every day and a wonderful empanada with sweet beef in it for a buck. The exchange rate is better than I thought (4pesos to the dollar instead of 3!) but things also cost more pesos than I remember, so I'm still trying to be thrifty. I went out with some housemates Saturday night -- they chose an American bar called the Alamo where the LSU game was playing and everybody was a bro. I wouldn't have gone there IRL but I wanted to "make friends" and "be social" so I stayed out and did those things. I almost definitely will not go back. No, actually definitely. On the plus, booze at the grocery store is super cheap -- Stella 40s for a dollar, bottles of wine n' rum for $2.
FASHION REPORT: it's in the high sixties but people insist on wearing scarves, down coats, and boots. And always jeans. Like, what? I brought 10 dresses and look stocky in scarves so this fashion style better change with the impending summer. Every very hipster boy with the potential to be cute has a bad haircut (rattails and mullets abound) and the girls are all very skinny and gorgeous (fun fact: Argentina has the #1 anorexia rate in the world). People here unabashedly sunbathe everywhere; I went for a run today in a park -- everything smelled like meat and I took a 20-minute tanning break. Maybe one of my top five fave runs ever.
Also, Buenos Aires thinks it's a real funny joke to say that things are open more than 24 hours: like every other kiosko has a sign that says "OPEN 25 HOURS" and I walked past an internet cafe that said it offers computers 27 hours a day. It's even funnier because many of these places are not open.
I started my TEFL class today - it's small but full of good people and I will write in more detail about it in a different post. Also, pictures. Also, maybe thoughts that are deeper than these. Undoubtedly miss you!
Ich werde Reich und $Millionär
5 years ago
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