But Argentina isn't really a slant rhyme to anything. Neither is South America. And Leah does not lend itself to great refs nearly as well as Erika does (livinonaprayerika is still one of my favorite jokes).
So at the end of my time in Rio last summer, I flew to Buenos Aires, where I spent five days in very good company eating ice cream in cemetaries and losing pesos on dance floors and falling in love with the city. After making the decision last year not to apply to law school right out of college, I came back to the pipe dream of living in BsAs. If not now, when or teach a man to fish or whatever, right? So about three months ago I bought a one-way ticket to Argentina.
I'm enrolled in a month-long TEFL/TOEFL course to first nab the certification that facilitates teaching abroad. The company teaching the course guarantees job placement (which could very well be 10 hrs a week of private tutoring, but still) so I'll have someplace to work once I finish the course. I plan after that to apply to bilingual primary schools for the February-starting school year (precocious children > stuffy businessmen) and/or to improve my Spanish and see if dual fluency couldn't land me a real job.
I'll be staying for this month in student housing provided by the class, affiliated with the oh-so-cloyingly named Road2Argentina (R2A / see address on right) and after that looking for a room in a shared apartment, ideally with a mix of young professional Argentinians and other friendly ex-pats. Ideally with a private balcony and a comfortable double bed and ideally under 1000 pesos a month. Ideally.
So there's a dry beginning post about what's going down. I'm getting ready for a four-airport day tomorrow (Mpls - O'Hare - Dulles - BsAs), made completely conscious by Lost of details like what to wear on the plane (remember how Claire had that black miniskirt on for the entire first season? That was so impractical) and loading episodes of Mad Men for the waits. I'll miss you all (no but seriously let's Skype/gchat/@least email?) and I'll include pictures to make the next blog post more interesting.
Ich werde Reich und $Millionär
5 years ago
Oh I'm sorry that it's so cloyingly named. It must be hard to sleep in a cloyingly named house!