If you said 'tomato, duh' you are WRONG. As wrong as I was when I bought one last week and put it on my ham sandwich only to find out that it is in fact a persimmon (called caqui here). The inside is far more gushy, far less seedy, and very sweet. The tomato/persimmon mix-up was just the first lesson in my ongoing fruit education. During a given breakfast about 6-8 different kinds of fruit are presented in either solid, smoothie, or liquid form. I'm slowly developing an exotic-fruit palate. (Haven't had a banana in daaaaaays.)
I've learned that I really like goiaba (guava, yet another fruit the Milaca Supervalu doesn't / will never stock)

Carambola is deec, but involves waay too much work to find the worthwhile parts for eating.

Picked the grossest pic I could find

Spending the summer at Camp Nectar
But my favorite Brazilian fruit is and forever will be

Waaah. I have to eat fruit. I'm Leah Karels.