I have been three times in the last four days. Yesterday I ran along the shore with a view of Sugarloaf while the setting sun created a pink glow on the water. Yeah no really. And really, have you ever thought about how cool crashing waves are? The water folds on itself! Also I am tan again.
Acai! Cheap greasy pastries with meat inside! All you can eat beef stroganoff/dessert pizzas! Strawberry juice!
As I walked down the street my first night back, I remembered what Rio has that Argentina doesn't -- people were pouring out of the open (as in, has three walls and the fourth just spillos onto the street) bars and standup food counters laughing, chatting, drinking beer, watching futbol with their shirts off. In short, Brazil has third places!
I lucked into an amazing housing situation -- in exchange for working 24ish hours a week at a pousada (like a hostel but fancier), I get a free room, breakfast, and laundry. It's in Santa Teresa, a neighborhood with amahhhhhhhhhhhhzing views of the city (see below), I'm working with cool people, AND the house has a kitten! I'm also interviewing for teaching jobs to fill up the daytime hours -- in Rio they pay twice (twice!) what they do in Buenos Aires. TUDO BOM.

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