-- Made the most I've ever made in one day at the bar. A whole 170 pesos! (That is 44 dollars and 81 cents.)
-- Had a conversation with an old expat man building a hotel in the city. He mentioned that he was going to Uruguay next week for vacation. I told him that I loved my trip there, to which he responded "you can come as my girlfriend for the week." After I laughed, he said "I had a girl, she was going to join me but now she can't come. So if you're interested in living with me for the week..." I said no thank you and I have to go clean that table now.
-- Walked by a man breaking into a car. On my way to work at 3pm, I was completely zoned out and didn't notice the deserted street. When I heard a car alarm beside me, I looked over to see a man bent over and rummaging through the passenger's seat of the beeping car. I then noticed the glass from said window shattered over the sidewalk and the back of the man. I ran to the end of the block (not brave/dumb enough to be a hero and tell him to stop) and called the police (conveniently, also 911 here). Of course I was on the block I couldn't pronounce (Azecuenaga) and of course the operator that picked up after six rings couldn't understand me (phones are tricky on both ends). After I said my location and the story twice (I used robar! I mean come ON), she put me on hold. Until I ran out of pre-paid phone minutes. I mean at least I tried to do the right thing. Fuck, though, this city is dangerous sometimes.
-- Watched "Sex Tips with Alessandra" on CosmoTV. It was that or White Chicks or a movie with Brittany Murphy (RIP) and Matthew Lillard. Alessandra is shockingly explicit.
Meanwhile, the skinpeel tour 2k9 has hit my stomach. Face/chest are almost back to normal though! Gotta be thankful for the little things.
Ich werde Reich und $Millionär
5 years ago